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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  December 10, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST

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fords is paying a dividend. that is terrific. >> joh a two billionn investment. first solar is the way to play it. that's it for the cost of freedom. thank you for being here and have a great weekend. there was no palestine as a state. it was part of the ottoman empire. we have invented palestinian people who are arabs and historically part of the arab community. >> fighting words. presidential candidate newt gingrich raising eye brows and temperatures on palestinian state hood and slammed as racist and ignorant. speaking of gingrich. taking the debate stage as front runner and getting mitt romney first shot at derailing him. under pressure with the end of the year deadline looming. president and house speaker
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pressing the plan to extend the tax cut. can they strike a deal? would you like to spread holiday cheer to servicemen and women around the world. the red cross will show you how. i am uma in. we start live right now. >> well, less than a month to go. battle for iowa is in high gear. gop hopefuls face off in two debates. they get underway with a bright spotlight on newt gingrich. the beating is that you will see his rivals go after newt gingrich more aggressively as we get closer to the iowa caucus. >> what can we expect? >> we are here in the drake university campus where that will be taking place. it seems like a fair wage or
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guess that newt gingrich will be the target of a lot. it is a clear front runner. newt gingrich has strung together leads. that is outside of the margin of error. and we are running out of time. a lot of voices are making themselves heard including a iowa prolife action. have a liste we approach the iowa caucuses. and multiple gop nominees . it is the speaker of the house.
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and that is a pro life. and they are not'd vocating. it is republicans across the state know. gingrich out in front and time running down. a lot of there is a bunch of -- and that got a lot of attention across the state last night. >> and palestinians are in an uproar. molly henin burg.
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and this is from a interview. and they will focus on jewish issues and culture. during the interview gingrich was asked if he could consider himself the zionist. this is how he responded. i believe that the jewish people have a right to have the state. and commitments over time. there was no palestinian. it is part of the ottoman empire. it is arabs. it is part of the arab community. for a variety of political reasons . we sustained the war against israel now . they praised benjamin
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netanyahu. and put israel security first. it is pretty close to netanyahu and sighing the dangers in the world. that did not go over well with the palestinians. abbas p out a statement and i want to read it to you. this is from an aid to abbas . he said this is unfortunate and he is looking for votes for campaign election and shows how ignorant he is on the history of the middle east and palestinian people. this aid said that the palestinian people have lived here for thousands of years and hope he newt gingrich will reconsider the statement. and newt gingrich's campaign.
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and his comment about being an inventive people is decade's long history that surrounded the hospital. david mercer. we'll talk for a moment about the latest part of mr. newt gingrich. he is making headlines with the comments. calling the palestinians. and excuse me. this is reagan's former speech writer. he is a human hand grenade. and as many congressional leaders that worked with him in the past have said. and what they say about the rise in the polls, whether or not he can sustain it and lacking in organization and
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mon yeresources to deal with the iowa caucuses. and we need someone that material. this is what you can expect from mr. gingrich. this is historically he is right. it is very much write. that is what we can count on for newt gingrich to do. he lacks organization. he serves a purpose for a lot of conservatives. this is a primary.
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and he-- you will be interested in what happened in tonight's debate. it is the first time. and gloves will come off tonight. the question is mitt rom no and which mitt will show up and guy that takes off the. he is in a predicament . we have seen newt gingrich throwing the kitchen sink whether it is on flip flopping and immigration. all policiless that romney himself have been with, with newt . with respect to flip flop. you got to appeal to your
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base. >> and it is clear. foreign policy is consistent. and he is steady eddy. and those attacks . there are those who want to come out swinging earlier. again. he's consistent. and they go up and down. it is expected. do you think they see -- he is a front runner.
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this is a decision of the republican party goers . we'll be prepared for any nominee. it was mitt romney. and we'll be prepared for newt gingrich should the gop decide who that is what they want going forward. and polls are showing him ahead . still the majority of the republican voters are seeing mitt romney as a nominee. is that going to change? if that changes -- >> half of the american voters disapprove of president obama. rom no is an improvement over what we have got. this president has spent in two years more than what
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george bush spent on two wars and huphurricanes. and why do american voters want four more years of that. >> no republican candidate can break 38 percent in the polls. >> we'll be watching the debate tonight. that is very exciting. i appreciate your insight. >> thank you very much. >> it is your turn. tweet your answers . i can read your responses. and rick perry stepped in it again. the latest campaign gaffe flubbing the name of supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. he was meeting with he called her matamayeo. listen. >> when you see the
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appointment of two from my perspective inarguably activist judges, whether it is mota-- >> sonia sotomayor. >> sotomayor and kagan are activist judges . then perry denounced eight supreme court justices and there are in reality nine sitog the supreme court. >> the supreme court is throwing texas state primaries in turmoil. the high court blocking the use of legislative and state maps drawn by federal judges. texas republicans filed the challenge to determine which ones would be used in ne year's election.
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battle affects millions of americans. and president obama and house speaker john boehner and focused on the stalled battle in capitol hill. peter doocy has more. >> they failed to extend the bills for the federal insurance. and speaker boehner hopes that his support for the key stone pipe line will get republicans on board. >> you have heard president obama say that the american people can't wait to take action on jobs. well, key stone energy project is the definition of the idea that american people can't wait for washington to take action on. steven harper, prime minister of canada warned that if the united states doesn't move forward canada will be forced to move with other customers
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especially china. >> it is a posen pill designed to sink the pay roll tax extension and ways and means say that the gop bill would cut off unemployment benefit to more than a million americans next year. president obama is saying that 160 million americans have their taxes go up if republicans don't stop playing games. >> congress can not end by taking money out of the pockets of work americans. now is not the time to play politics. but it is time to d what is right for the american people. no one should go home for the holidays until we get it done. tell your members of congress don't be a grinch. tell them to do the right thing for you and your economy. >> senate majority leader said republicans are not playing games and the job creation act of 20len is designed to pass
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by leaving out what he calls job-killing tax hikes that neither side likes. uma. >> thank you, peter. >> deadline for occupy boston protestor to pack up move out was up two days ago. they moved in to force demonrators out. they didn't leaf quietly with police arresting 40 demonstrators . thousands of people gathering for virginia tech for a candle light vigil gary courthouse. he was gunned down by a student from a nearby college. the gunman shot. and officer crouse leaves behind a wife and five children. >> tens was thousands of demonstrators are taking to the streets of moscow and the discontent spread to 50 other
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russian cities at this point. kitty logan joins us with more. kitty, what can you tell us? >> turn out was particularly high in moscow. demonstrators say 150,000 people took to the streets . that is the first. and it is for vladimir putin's rule. and there is widespread fraud. it is demonstration was largely peaceful. this was officially sanctioned by authorities. it is like the spontanous protest. what is significant that the
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protest. and we saw around 10,000 people take to the streets. the nationwide turn out in the discontent. it is certainly knew to putin's area. and unofficial protest. they really show the mood of the people in russia nationwide. those protest are coming to a close. they will continue and be back on the streets. the question is, how do they keep the momentum going if they want real change in russia. it is a very tensuation indeed. it is one of the biggest scandams in america . waiting to explode: it is government jobs.
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and he asked some of america's top ceo's who creates the jobs in america. >> people in washington think they created jobs. they created it . that doesn't do much for productivity here in america. when you have tough pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. test how fast it works for you. love it, or get your money back.
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>> they are motivated by build. this is something that people don't understand. there is no real unemployment. businesses will create obstacles. and that is called structural real unemployment. businesses love creating those jobs it is fun. >> there is a clip of john stosselt's show. what is standing in the way of job creation today. are there too many regulations . that's what john explores when
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she asked who is creating the jobs today. john is with us live from new york. >> thank you, uma. >> you talked about the alliance and what impact do they have right now? >> probably no impact yet. they just started. these are ceo's who got ticked off by the way they are smeared by pol cisions and say things like that. and it is over board. we don't care about the money. we are having fun. even when they care about the money. and they are smeared by -- and by many people. what do you think of the class ware fare debate right now. and rush limbaugh who took
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heat. and greed did more for poor people than charity has. if you think about it. greed defined as self interest and in a free market society you have to give customers what they want. you can't use force. only government gets to use force and then you are serving the public. and then ceo's, the ones i interview for the tonight show create more than 200,000 jobs. that is better than charity. >> why are they having a tough time getting that message across. so many people are hurting and the economy is struggling and a lott of the folks don't have patience and trying to understand the role that ceo's play when it come to job creation. people don't like business and have a sense that there is pie. and they take a big piece and makes a profit off of us and
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we have less. that's not how it works in the private sector. they bake thousands of new pies and make us all richer. it is not intuitive. and somebody came up to me and say john stossle. i hope you die soon. i try to figure out why they are angry. i think it is because i am a consumer reporter defending business and to some people it is evil. >> and it is seen as evil . yet they want jobs and yet they are looking to job creators to provide answers. but right now, washington takes credit for creating jobs as you point out. and worse, these job creators say they could not do what they did toay, they built
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staples and best buy and successful businesses and now that so many regulations. we probably wouldn't have made it and certainly not this big. >> all right. john, we look forward to your show tonight. thank you for joining us. >> and thank you. >> and stossle takes on and sunday afternoon at 3:00. >> moving along now. that is because you are according to a new federal reserve report. it fell in july quarter. new york post computes that an average loss of 21,261 dollars per houseold.
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still ahead. police need your help stopping a dangerous man they are tracking. serial rapist whose latestt attack was caught on tape. >> rick is in central park. what is going on. >> anyone who is in new york city has probably seen them around. their days may be numbered. i will have that story, coming up. dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios
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this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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>> a serial rapist -- a 22 year old woman in a choke hold. police don't have a good description of that. and they do -- anyone with information is urged to call. >> and bottom of the hour and it is time for to peter
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doosey. and a front runner. on the main rifle mitt romney. they will focus on the federal budget deficit. democrats and republicans are battling out the extension of the tax cut. they are calling on congress to extend the cut. and house speaker boehner is pushing for a tax break. anger against widespread election fraud. galvinized protestors across eight time wrones in russia. they are demonstrating again them. and the protest comes through months. and it is in liberia.
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and one of the winners, he is urging repressed women. and those are the world wide. peter, thank you very much. most of america is struggling. and he calls them the government rich. and he said it is time to throw them out. he's the author. and peter great to see you. thank you for joining us today. who makes up the elite paternity of people. and people who are inside of the political. it includes crony capitalist.
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they make their money off of government deals and loans. your book is a buzz . that's what happened. in reality that is not true. >> you are exact exactly right. seven of the 10 counselies.
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this is washington d.c. is void. and part of the that is because they have taxpayer revenue. and they are not worried about conflict of interest statutes. that will increase the value of their real estate. and what they get away with those things . and in a grid lock is not that things are not getting done. the problems is the corruption of the public spirit. what do you mean by that. >> i believe in incentives that are important. we need to incent vise the --
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the vast majority of them don't have incentive to deal with the challenges we face. it is tied to the growth and -- and make government larger and larger. they don't have the same incentives. that is the economic price this we pay. we need to change that. and make it clear and create a series of reforms that make sure our government officials are not able to operate in the bubble. that means we need to ban the practice of insider trading. and they should not be exempt for the rules. and it means we need to get the government out of the business of crony capitalism. i have no problem with late steve jobs that is fabulously wealthy because he produced products and services.
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you have a lot of people who are fabulously wealthy or richer than they were to begin with because they have acess to taxpayer money and loans and grants is that they get because of political connections in washington. that's wrong. we can't afford to make them rich. >> the book is called throw them all out. it underscores the disconnect. peter, thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. all the best to you. >> moving along now. new controversy surrounding the iconic horse drawn carriages in central park. rick, it is hard to believe that they are contemplating getting rid of those wonderful horse ands. >> yeah, shocking. isn't it? >> the horse drawn carriage history is the oldest tourism established back in 1861.
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dozens of them are running around the park. they have a spokesman that said 60 percent of the horses are unemployment and best thing to do for a horse is give it a job. many of the horses here are amish horses that were too small to work in the field. these are amish horses. they use them two or three years and don't have use anymore. if they were not working in the city, it sickens me they would be dead. and we are saving horses. >> critics say there are recent incidents of horses collapsing or colliding. there are renewed cry to stop the horse drawn carriages. there is animal advocacy. called new york class to pass a bill to up the restrictions
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on the horse drawn carriages and replace them with horseless caiages and vintage turn of the century cars strictly taken by electric power. >> they are working hard and surrounded by buss and bike youler and they are easily frightened by the loud noises. it is a dangerous for themselves and the people in the carriage and the drivers . >> you cannot give an electric and a right around central park in the horse drawn carriage will set you back $50. >> it is an institution and tourist come with the idea to take the special ride around
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central park it is really a lot of fun. >> we are about to do it ourselves. and i should also mention that the electric cars, prototype will not be ready for a year. you have time to take one of these babies for a spin. >> i hope you have a great ride. it is a beautiful day. thank you very much. >> still to come, how would you like to have a chance to send a touch of home to a soldier serving over seas. all you need is a pen. and we'll tell you how. stay with us. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash.
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if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. our machines help identify early stages of cancer, and it's something that we're extremely proud of. you see someone who is saved because of this technology, you know that the things that you do in your life matter. if i did have an opportunity to meet a cancer survivor, i'm sure i could take something positive away from that. [ jocelyn ] my name is jocelyn. and i'm a cancer survivor. [ woman ] i had cancer. i have no evidence of disease now. [ woman #2 ] i would love to meet the people that made the machines. i had such an amazing group of doctors and nurses,
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it would just make such a complete picture of why i'm sitting here today. ♪ [ man ] from the moment we walk in the front door, just to see me -- not as a cancer patient, but as a person that had been helped by their work, i was just blown away. life's been good to me. i feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. ♪
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>> welcome back, everybody. sights and sounds of bill kristol are all around us. it is why the american red cross partnered with pitney bowes. they are joining us more with the holiday mail. thank you so much. talking about the campaign. it is a campaign that so many
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people love to take part in. we are doing it over five years and distributed it to the troops. this year 300,000 cards have come in. and all over america and day care centers. and athletics . and it is on capitol hill. and we are agreeing on. thank you to the -- and really they are far away from homes and some of them. they wonder if they are. and we love the cards. we may not always sell things.
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this is a camouflage card. perfect for the military. and this weekend we can go on line. and it is one of our military members. and you want to find them. you want to buy a comfort kit. and it is in the name of someone in the shopping list. >> it is tremendous. we have 300,000 cards come in and all of them will be distributed by the holidays for our troops. it is a way to say thank you. americans have such a giving spirit. and that is part of the
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holiday tradition. at the red cross. it is a wonderful way to say hello. still ahead. and that is for more candidate to sign on to a iowa debate. newt gingrich called the palestinian people called them an inventive people. it is part of the arab community. is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha
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>> donald trumpp said he might scrap the debate. snubs by the candidates pushed the realitet television star to consider running as an independent. liz prada is here to discuss this and what she thinks of the whole trump campaign.
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>> good morning or afternoon. it is not often that donald trump's money doesn't buy him everything. it may be that his money got him in more trouble instead of getting him what he wants. the debate he's supposed to sponsor and so-called conservative website, it is not going to take place. and why? why? because the republican party in the late stages appear to finally have had found discipline in the arsenil. and i think you have karl rove to thank for that. look at what rove said. what the heck are the republican candidates doing showing up at a debate with a guy who said i may run for president next year as an independent. it was not long after that. head of the republican
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national committee who fell into line and said, you know, i don't think it is a good idea for republican candidates and before that, it was a great silence. and so it looks as though we know so far of course, for those who are not following this, that the only one to accept was newt gingrich, and rick sanitorium. but the rest of the candidates turned tail or said a definite no. how successful you think it is going to be? >> i think it interesting that trump is shocked that the candidates are not taking him up. he boasts he has millions of viewers and it is great publicity for the candidates. >> that is very, very true, mr. trump never does anything that is not connected to one of his personal deadline such as a book deadline or when his
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contract up for the reality show. and that's what he did here. he wanted to presve his option and say i will run on the independent party. uh-huh. this is one of the few times where it will not be where he gets his way. we'll have to keep an eye on what he does next. he is never one to be a dull person. >> that's for sure. >> still ahead. a tour of duty in afghanistan was nothing compared to the jitters this soldier felt when he came home to his girlfriend. we'll tell you about that next. >> and newt gingrich calling palestinians invented people and a lot of you have answered. your twitter responseness coming up next. stay with us. the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like,
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"doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret?
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♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in.
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(laughter) >> will you marry me? >> all right. we love this story. >> a u.s. soldier returning from afghanistan has one more order of business to take care of when he arrived at miami international airport and that's where his lady love, his girlfriend was waiting to greet u.s. army specialist michael smith who immediately got down on one knee and as you head popped the question for lindsay gonzalez.
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she said yes. the newly engaged couple lives in oregon she was visited to meet some of his family. congratulations to the company. children in austin's texas hospital received a special visit from santa claus over the internet. and kids at the children's hospital didn't have to write a letter to north poll. they told their christmas wish list to santa in person and jolly old st. nick, signed on via the north poll and took all of their requests just in time. of course, we love hearing from you at home and we have been asking you the question, what do you make of newt gingrich's comment on being quote, invent tiff people. several of you wrote in. and wrote, what did newt gingrich invent palestinians in? >> and silly newt, you can't tell the truth about the palestinian people and expect


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